[rs_space lg_device=»100″ md_device=»» sm_device=»50″ xs_device=»30″][rs_special_text font_weight=»700″ font_size=»30px» font_color=»#30373b»]Subscription Shortcode[/rs_special_text][rs_space lg_device=»15″ md_device=»» sm_device=»30″ xs_device=»»]

Our pre-built shortcodes let you create custom pages with almost no effort. You just open visual composer, choose your shortcode to place on your custom made page. You can, of course, tweak our pre-made templates with shortcodes as well.

[rs_space lg_device=»50″ md_device=»» sm_device=»30″ xs_device=»»]
[rs_space lg_device=»100″ md_device=»» sm_device=»» xs_device=»»]
[rs_newsletter image=»88″ big_heading=»Subscription Form Style One» small_heading=»Enter your email to get access to my free tools for marketers.»]
[rs_newsletter style=»style2″ big_heading=»Subscription Form Style Two» small_heading=»Enter your email to get access to my free tools for marketers.»]